Speaking of the game last night, great job all around. We got back in the win column this week with a great effort on both sides of the ball. Excellent fielding and great placement on everyone’s kicks did wonders. We had a lot of baserunners and were able to bring a good chunk of them home – keep playing like this and we will consistently rack up the Ws. Following the game, we had a great turn out at the bar as usual and an excellent showing at the flip cup table, the navy blue is starting to be feared. At one point, Craig and I had a brief foray onto foreign tables to help fill out some guys taking on a softball team. They weren’t bad, but I figured it would be the right thing to do to show them how flip cup is supposed to be played, and of course, they were impressed and promised to name their first born after us.
Upon leaving the bar, our wonderful evening took a turn for the worse. We arrived at the Chinatown metro stop hoping to grab a quick yellow line back to VA. Our “quick yellow line” turned out to be a ridiculous wait, as green line trains passed in both directions and each time our hearts sunk lower than Iceland’s after Julie “The Cat” Gaffney stopped Gunnar Stahl’s penalty shot. Thankfully we met a fellow kickballer – albeit a WAKA kickballer – to pass the time with. He had a pretty severe nonkickball-related injury that he was in obvious pain from. It was pretty bad, apparently he
Next week is an important game, we face the team of several It’s Not Me, It’s You minor-leaguers (in a previous post I mentioned we had too big of a team, and we were forced to trim the roster coming out of training camp; several of my coworkers had to be cut and designated for assignment to other teams within the division) and most importantly, it’s the team of our esteemed Commissioner, Jack Fan. This is absolutely a must-win game. No excuses. Craig and I are studying some film from the last few weeks that our buddy collected and having several intense strategy discussions with how best to take down the purple beast that is Booze on First. Though I have a feeling we have nothing to worry about – they look about as athletic as the kids from Heavyweights after hitting an all-you-can-eat buffet – we will still need to be focused. We had a great week this week, let’s build on this success. And to the members of Booze on First: we will, we will, rock you.
Go balls deep,
T Rock