Another HUGE surprise coming out of Sunday, one that I would not believe had I not been there to witness it, less surprising than Jeremy not getting kicked out of the mid-season party, less surprising than Dane Cook actually becoming funny again, and less surprising than this blown call…. The Drunken Dodgers won a game. Congrats to them and maybe this will be the beginning of a long winning streak!
You’re right, probably not.
We had a great win last game, but we have a tough stretch the next 3 games. We are tied for 1st at (4-1) with 3 other teams, and they just so happen to be our next 3 opponents. The warm-up games are over and now its business time. We need to stay focused and take it one game at a time and we will prove to be victorious!
Even though we are just getting into the meat of this seasons’ schedule, next season is approaching. Registration for the fall season is now open and its sure to be an awesome time. The fall season will mark the first season under new leadership in the Constitution Division in over 3 years. With yours truly and fellow XME-er Craig at the helm, and the fun-loving Kate Maxwell of DRK we personally guarantee awesome times all around so be sure to sign up!
With that I hope everyone enjoyed their week off and is well rested and ready for one of the toughest stretches ever. Until next time…
Go Balls Deep,
T Rock
Yes, the fall is going to be AWESOME and yes, my team did in fact bring the heat. DRK forever!!!!