Yesterday was the end of season tournament for the Summer 2009 season. The 10-week regular season of blood, sweat, and tears had ended, and all that remained was a 16-team single elimination tournament for the right to be called Champion. As you could have likely guessed, I’d Hit That’s 1-10(?) record left us just shy of a post-season birth. Although I’m pretty sure that even if we had made it, we would have had to forfeit due to lack of players. But that’s beside the point.
Believe it or not, I’d Hit That really did just miss the post season. The team that beat us out for the 16-seed was actually tied with us with just one regular season win. However the selection committee opted to go leave us out, seeing as the other team in question had legitimately won their game as opposed to winning by a forfeit like I’d Hit That did.
I digress… T-Rock and I, being the superstar Kickballers that we are, were of course recruited by our friends on “That’s What She Said” to play as ringers. Disguised in our dark yellow shirts, T-Rock and I sacrificed our bodies for the cause.
Tim's leg after 2 epic diving catches.
My scrapped up arm the day after sliding to beat out a throw at 3rd
Competing against the unsportsmanlike and ungentlemanly dark pink team (whose name shall not be mentioned), T-Rock and Myself playing integral roles in a back and forth game that came all the way down to the last out.
Down by 1 in the bottom of the fifth with 2 outs, T-Rock managed a line drive single to left. Kicking behind T to protect him the lineup, I came up to the plate and managed a slow dribbler down the 3rd base line. Needless to say I beat out the throw and was able to advance T to 2nd base, or into scoring position if you prefer baseball lingo. Unfortunately, the next kicker popped out and so ended out playoff stint.
I would like to express my displeasure and disgust with the on field manner of the said Pink Team. They were argumentative and downright rude. Even going so far as to accuse yours truly of cheating, and we all know very well how I feel about that.
**Correction—We all know how I feel about that.
Also, note to [team name redacted]: it’s a bad idea to piss off the team that will be refereeing your next game should you go on to beat them.
Moving on…
After losing our first round game, my adopted team was assigned to officiate second round games. Sick of dealing with [team name redacted] T and I volunteered to head over to field B and ref the game between a hybrid light pink team and Scrawsome(?).
Overall it was a pretty boring game. Both teams excelled at short ball and the game ended pretty quickly with a convincing pink team victory. And just in time too; back on field A, the tension level was high and tempers were flaring. [Team name redacted]’s captain actually charged the mound in protest and had to be physically restrained.
Normally I would excuse this type of behavior. In the playoffs, it’s not uncommon to get fired up, and sometimes people can take the game a little more seriously than it should be taken. But to consistently show that kind of behavior is unacceptable. We’re professionals!
The game field A game was epic. By far the greatest game I have had the pleasure to witness. After trading blows all game, and remaining tied up after 2 extra innings, it all came down to a longest kick competition. Our friends over on “We got the runs” against [team name redacted]. God only knows how much the spectators were pulling for “We Got the Runs”. Unfortunately the cheers were to no avail as [team name redacted emerge victorious and advanced to the semifinal round.
Immediately after what everyone thought was the marquee game of the day ended, word started going around that the game on field B between “Lose some weight and we’ll talk” and a green team, whose name is currently evading me, was headed to extra innings.
In the bottom of the 7th, with 2 outs, LSWAWT (I know, ridiculous abbr.) knocked in a walk off RBI to win the game and move on to the finals.
Rather than watch [team name redacted] in the finals, I chose to go to the bar and drink away a disappointing inaugural campaign.
Thank you to everyone for a great season! I look forward to playing with all of you again soon.
Tournament Day was by far the most exciting day of the season and I really wish that Chase would consider having a preseason tournament in addition to the post-season one.
On a random side note, I had a very interesting conversation with Chase League commissioner Jack Fan. I just want to thank him for everything that he’s done. I really like the direction that he’s taking the league in.
By next post I expect everyone who has verbally committed to sign his or her letters of intent and join T-Rock and I in our quest for the Fall Championship. Refer to my previous post for step-by-step directions.
Until Next time,